Pleasant View Cemetery
Clackamas County, Oregon
Cemetery MapNotable ResidentsAlphabetical ListingContacts


Donation Land Claim Maps

These maps are of the area around Pleasant Hill Cemetery (later, Pleasant View Cemetery) on Ladd Hill, south to the Willamette River.  They indicate some of the original land claims, early family land divisions, and land ownership.  Many of the names on these maps are recognizable from the cemetery monuments and may offer clues to family and neighborhood relationships.  Spellings on maps were usually phonetic, so often included spelling errors.   

Click on the individual map for a much larger and scrollable view.

1855 Donation Land Claims
1862 West Section
1862 East Section
Section Map Post-1865
1928 West Section
1928 East Section
1951 West Section
1951 East Section
1951 South Section