Maintenance 2015 New Maintenance Building Installed: This fall we finished installing a small maintenance building intended to serve several functions. Inside you can find containers of water for cleaning or filling vases, some brushes, brooms and sharp little sticks for cleaning monuments, a variety of cemetery vases, a rake, a stool, and a few other items for use in the care of the cemetery. Besides holding these items, the building offers a wall to hold our bulletins that contain a map of the cemetery and other information visitors might be interested in. There is a generous overhang to protect people from the rain. It also provides a bit of a screen for the porta-potty so that that is not the first thing one sees from the road. Here are some pictures:
Upper Gates Locked: To reduce partying in the upper parking area, we have started locking the upper gates. You will still be able to drive in the lower gates or walk in at any gate. If you are doing work or having a gathering or event and would like the upper gate(s) open, just let us know and we will open them for you. Granite Cleaning: In 2014 we concentrated on restoring our marble monuments. In 2015 we are concentrating on the granite stones. Most just need cleaning from decades of lichen and moss growth. A few have needed new concrete aprons and most of those have been replaced. If you have some free time to help with cleaning, give Charlotte a call. She would be happy to train you and provide materials. 503-313-8040 Marble Restoration Completed: In 2014 we undertook some of our largest restoration projects to date, repairing 16 of our marble tablets that were broken back in the 1980's. We have been working to locate and level their bases, reassemble them, and clean them. The tablets are all upright now so take a few minutes to appreciate the craftsmanship of these old marble tablets. Full Report (The pdf may take a minute to download the first time.) |
Memorial Day May 25, 2015
If you were not able to attend, be
sure to visit the flagpole on your next trip to the cemetery, where you will see
the large granite monument with all the Veterans' names who served up through
the Korean War. Also notice the seven different medallions that are now
affixed, one in front of each Veteran's individual monument, up through the Vietnam
War. If you know of a Veteran who should have a medallion but does not,
please let me know so we can add them to our list.
Charlotte |
Summer 2013
Aaron Gilbert Eagle Scout Project
Spring 2013 Spring is always the time that we have more going on at the cemetery. We need to get things spruced up after the winter, and have everything looking good for Mother's Day, Memorial Day, and Father's Day, when we tend to have the most visitors. Starting the weekend of March 9th we will have a portable toilet on site until after Memorial Day for everyone's convenience. We rely mostly on volunteer help from family and community members, scout troops, and the Clackamas County Community Service Crew. If you or your family would like to join us sometime, there is always work to be done. From big projects like uncovering and leveling sunken monuments, to lighter work like sweeping and raking, to cleaning out engravings where your largest tool might be a toothbrush! Here was the schedule for this spring:
Eagle Scout candidate,
Reed Burress, from Troop 194, installed new markers
for twelve veterans whose monuments are missing or perhaps have
never had one. Not having any sort of marker has made it
difficult to acknowledge them with a flag on Memorial Day or
Veterans Day. Reed has been making the markers for several
months and with the help of his troop, he got them all installed the morning of Saturday,
March 16th. Then at 1:00 PM he hosted a flag raising
and commemoration for these veterans with the assistance of the
Sherwood American Legion. Look for these new markers next
time you visit.
Saturday, May 11th:
Work Day
The Clackamas County Community Service Crew came out and really hustled to get a lot of trimming done around monuments, along the fence, and throughout. We removed two problem trees, but have not gotten all the debris picked up yet. Another job for the 18th! A few volunteers came by to help and several people came to decorate monuments for Mother's Day.
Saturday May 18th: Annual Meeting and
Work Day
We held the Annual Pleasant View Cemetery Association Meeting at the cemetery this year. In generations past annual meetings were often held at the cemetery so we thought we gave it a try. In spite of cold, rainy weather, we had about 15 hearty souls show up to help with trimming, cleaning, and general pick-up. At noon we took a break for some lunch and a brief meeting. Luckily we had a tent cover! We re-elected two board members, discussed past and future projects, and had two more people express interest in serving on the board next year.
May 25 - 27 Memorial Day Weekend Once known as Decoration Day, this is the biggest weekend of the year at Pleasant View Cemetery. Lots of folks worked hard in the weeks leading up to it to get the cemetery looking its best. In spite of uncooperative weather, we had lots of visitors come from far and wide to honor our veterans, clean and decorate family monuments, and generally pay tribute to pioneers and community members who have come before us. I always enjoy watching older family members explaining to kids about their ancestors and including them in the traditions of decorating for Memorial Day. It is an important connection to make across the generations. By the way, our porta-potty was certainly appreciated by many of us the last three months, but it is scheduled to be removed Monday, June 3rd. We are looking into what it would take to get one installed on a more permanent basis.